We Are Worth More Than $2.90

    The NYPD committed a mass shooting on September 15th 2024 at the Sutter Avenue L station, aiming for a Derell Mickells, alleged fare-evader. The cops also shot enough stray bullets to hit 2 bystanders and another officer, the administration calling it “friendly fire”. Claims that Derell produced a pocketknife are being disputed as the police have yet to produce the knife they claim was present.
    On September 17th multiple organizations orgazined mass protests, one happening at the Brownsville train station where the shooting happened. As a group we marched to the 73rd police precinct and attempted to continue our peacful protest. The police were overwhelmed by us and without any announcement or warning they advanced on us, pushed us into the street, and eventually resorted to pepper-spraying us at random (and hit a few of their own). In it’s entirety there were over 17 arrests, and a crowd around the station that stayed until the last person was let out at around 3am.

FTP: F*ck The Police, Feed The People, Fight The Power, Free The Land